The Galactic Senate is no place for civility. Full of politicians squabbling for their own interests rather than those of the worlds they represent, it is easy for an idealistic Senator to be cast aside. Despite this, Senator Padmé Amidala continues to fight for the principles of freedom and democracy from the floor of the Senate and—if necessary—the battlefields of the Clone Wars.
This expansion for Star Wars™: Legion contains one finely sculpted, unpainted Padmé ...
The Luke Skywalker Operative Expansion gives you the chance to bolster your Rebel armies with a powerful Jedi Knight. Here, you’ll find one unpainted, finely sculpted miniature depicting Luke Skywalker as he appeared in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Meanwhile, three command cards that can be used alongside the Luke Skywalker command cards from the Star Wars: Legion Core Set give you the freedom to shape exactly how you make use of this powerful operative in battle. ...
Prodotto in lingua inglese. In the Darth Vader Operative Expansion, you’ll find an unpainted, easily assembled Darth Vader miniature in a different pose from the one found in the Star Wars: Legion Core Set. This miniature is accompanied by three new Darth Vader command cards that can be used by both the operative and commander versions of the unit, letting you tailor your strategy to fit your needs. Rounding out this expansion are four upgrade cards that invite you to augment Darth Vader with e ...
The durable VCX-100 light freighter and nimble Sheathipede-class shuttle can fight as a docked pair or split up to attack from multiple angles. When helmed by heroes like Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, and Ezra Bridger, these ships can be some of the greatest assets of the Rebellion.
You’ll find both a VCX-100 light freighter miniature and a Sheathipede-class shuttle miniature that can physically dock with the larger ship in this expansion, giving you the freedom ...
The JumpMaster 5000 is the chosen vessel of Dengar, a vengeful bounty hunter feared across the galaxy. With a nimble turret and potent engines that give it an unpredictable flight pattern, Dengar's Punishing One can keep pace with even the most desperate fugitives.
Within the Punishing One Expansion Pack, you’ll find everything you need to add one JumpMaster 5000 to your Scum and Villainy squadrons. Reprints of three pilots join Dengar in the pursuit of profit ...
Questa espansione di STAR WARS: LEGION contiene 4 miniature Droideka finemente scolpite, sufficienti per 1 unità supporto, insieme a nuove carte unità e miglioria da schierare in battaglia.
Il Caccia TIE/fo, sviluppato dalla Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems usando le tecnologie sperimentali del programma del TIE Advanced Imperiale, è un Caccia TIE dotato di scudi e prodotto in massa per consentire al Primo Ordine di seminare il terrore in tutta la galassia.
Questo pack include tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per aggiungere 1 Caccia TIE/fo alle tue partite.
Prodotto in origine dalla Kuat Systems Engineering per essere utilizzato dai difensori della legge, il vascello di pattuglia classe Firespray è diventato uno di quelli preferiti anche dai pirati e dai cacciatori di taglie. Il suo solido scafo offre spazio in abbondanza da destinare ad armamenti aggiuntivi e ad altre modifiche.
Questo pack include tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per aggiungere 1 Vascello di Pattuglia Classe Firespray alle tue partite.
Inizia la caccia e conduci il tuo squadrone verso il futuro di Star Wars: X-Wing con il kit di conversione Feccia e Malvagità. Questo kit contiene tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per aggiornare la tua collezione di navi Feccia della Prima Edizione alla Seconda Edizione, incluse le carte pilota, le carte miglioria e i segnalini nave.
Il JumpMaster 5000, progettato per ricognizioni a lungo raggio e per il tracciamento di nuove rotte iperspaziali, era dotato di armamenti leggeri, ma veniva spesso ampiamente modificato con migliorie personalizzate. Lo spietato cacciatore di taglie Dengar ha dotato la sua astronave personale, il Punishing One, con un cannone laser quadrinato, siluri protonici e una baia motori più capiente.
Questa confezione contiene tutto ciò che ti serve per aggiungere 1 veicolo Punishing One (JumpMaster 500 ...
Una speciale tecnologia a repulsione rendeva il massiccio astrocaccia G-1A ingannevolmente agile per la sua taglia; questo, grazie alla sua potenza di fuoco e ai suoi solidi scudi, ne faceva un vascello molto popolare presso i mercenari, come il famigerato duo di cacciatori di taglie composto da Zuckuss e 4-LOM.
Questa confezione contiene tutto ciò che ti serve per aggiungere 1 veicoloMist Hunter(Astrocaccia G-1A) alle tue partite.
The Galactic Senate is no place for civility. Full of politicians squabbling for their own interests rather than those of the worlds they represent, it is easy for an idealistic Senator to be cast aside. Despite this, Senator Padmé Amidala continues to fight for the principles of freedom and democracy from the floor of the Senate and—if necessary—the battlefields of the Clone Wars.
This expansion for Star Wars™: Legion contains one finely sculpted, unpainted Padmé ...
The Luke Skywalker Operative Expansion gives you the chance to bolster your Rebel armies with a powerful Jedi Knight. Here, you’ll find one unpainted, finely sculpted miniature depicting Luke Skywalker as he appeared in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Meanwhile, three command cards that can be used alongside the Luke Skywalker command cards from the Star Wars: Legion Core Set give you the freedom to shape exactly how you make use of this powerful operative in battle. ...
Prodotto in lingua inglese. In the Darth Vader Operative Expansion, you’ll find an unpainted, easily assembled Darth Vader miniature in a different pose from the one found in the Star Wars: Legion Core Set. This miniature is accompanied by three new Darth Vader command cards that can be used by both the operative and commander versions of the unit, letting you tailor your strategy to fit your needs. Rounding out this expansion are four upgrade cards that invite you to augment Darth Vader with e ...
The durable VCX-100 light freighter and nimble Sheathipede-class shuttle can fight as a docked pair or split up to attack from multiple angles. When helmed by heroes like Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, and Ezra Bridger, these ships can be some of the greatest assets of the Rebellion.
You’ll find both a VCX-100 light freighter miniature and a Sheathipede-class shuttle miniature that can physically dock with the larger ship in this expansion, giving you the freedom ...